Swimming Training

Professional Swimming Training

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Swimming is an essential life skill that goes beyond just a recreational activity or fitness routine. It has the potential to be a lifesaver, not only for yourself but also for your loved ones. Don't wait for a water-related emergency to realize the importance of knowing how to swim. Take the initiative to ensure that your family members are equipped with the necessary swimming skills to stay safe in any aquatic situation. The World Health Organization (WHO) says Nigeria ranks 107th in the world for frequency of drowning incidents. In 2020 alone, there were 6,584 deaths from drowning in Nigeria.

Why Learn How to Swim?

Personal Safety:The ability to survive in water is undoubtedly one of the main motivations for learning to swim. Whenever you go on a cruise, go boating, go fishing, or just hang out by a pool with friends, you will inevitably find yourself in or near water. Acquiring the ability to swim could be crucial if you end up in water that is deeper than your height.

Rescue:You may be able to save a close friend or family member if you are proficient in swimming. If you are a parent or work with children, being able to swim is extremely important.

Health and Fitness:Swimming is considered a healthy form of exercise by the majority of doctors. It strengthens and extends your muscles, improves your metabolism and cardiovascular system, and calls for the use of many body muscles. When swimming, the water offers a natural resistance and lessens the physical strain on your body. Most of the time, water gives the body a built-in cooling element.

Career:For most people, a career in swimming is not what they immediately consider. Swimming is, nevertheless, the foundation of many prosperous careers. The rewarding career of being a lifeguard is made possible for those who can swim well. Lifeguards by the sea, at waterfronts, and in pools all save lives by preventing drowning. Proficient swimmers can also pursue careers as rescue swimmers, recreational divers, naval divers, as well as commercial divers, all of which have excellent global employment opportunities.

The curriculum at Subweb Technical Academy enables students to gain more knowledge, skills, and techniques while learning how to swim. You will become a confident swimmer and eventually master every step. Our skilled swim instructors teach these programs, which are designed to provide you with the finest learning opportunity. We are a recognized member of the Red Cross Organization.

Our Training Programs.


Individual Swim Training

With a customized framework that makes it possible for anyone to learn how to swim, you will receive one-on-one instruction from a qualified swimming instructor who adheres to all safety regulations.

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Family Swim Training

Subweb Technical Academy offers a unique family swimming training program that promotes bonding and fun among family members. Parents and children can learn to swim together, creating lasting memories and strengthening their relationships. The program includes accommodation, a bar for relaxation, family time, and meal arrangements to make your swimming training experience enjoyable and memorable.

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Rescue Drowning Victim

Our Rescue training program will equip you with practical knowledge of what to do in case of an emergency involving a drowning victim. Sadly, the second most common cause of accidental death for youth is drowning, which occurs every year. Our system has been tailored to provide you with important first aid measures in addition to providing guidance on how to save a victim.

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Recreational Swimming

Several variations of the sport fall under the broad category of recreational swimming. Some recreational swimming activities require teamwork. We have recreational swim training programs that not only give you the basics of learning to swim, but also give you in-depth knowledge of how to become a recreational scuba diver.

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